Intentions of “hand-to-hand spying” in Maryam Rajavi’s night-play tent at Vilpent in Paris
Masood Rajavi’s new deception in the new year is the adoption of a “Trump sanctioning strategy and war against Iran” and because within the organization, this full dependence on American politicians faces a crisis aimed at Iranians. After several decades, Rajavi reminded of some Persian poets such as Firdows, Rostami, Sohrabi, or Siavashi, where by distributing images of Iranian people in the midst of his party’s tent of play on June 30, 2018 in Vilpent, Paris, to reduce the crisis of legitimacy? But is it possible? Is it possible to take off mercenary robbery from the body of Mojahedin-e Khalk?
Intentions of “hand-to-hand spying” in Maryam Rajavi’s night-play tent at Vilpent in Paris
by: Site Editing Staff of Survivors in Albania – The Free Iranian Association
Part of the Mojahedin-e Khalk organization is currently located in Albania, called the “Third Camp”, and another part of the organization is in Ursuruvaz, on the outskirts of Paris. They strive to recruit spectators until June 30 to find money for lecturers to gain external support and launch their tent in Vilpen, Paris, to receive external support. So recruitment of foreign spectators instead of organizational forces is done in order to present in front of the Iranian people themselves as an organized that has the support of foreign powers. This trick is the same as that of Masood Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi at camp Ashraf in Iraq in the Mehr 1370, carrying out a few hours’ maneuver with hundreds of tanks and Saddam Hussein’s soldiers. To do this, they brought some journalists to Ashraf, to show their power to others, and to cover their lack of human resources, members of the organization Mojahedin-e Khalk received an organizational order from Masood Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi. In this order, members of the organization were forced to make the shows in front of Masood Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi and journalists and after being seen by journalists, they left and their work ended and then had to go to their headquarters to change their clothes and to take on a new role, or become a parachuting formation unit.
Undoubtedly, and based on the testimonies of hundreds of witnesses, each member of the organization at Ashraf Camp has done several times this one and there were people who changed their roles for 7 or 8 times. According to this scenario, any uninformed person was present on stage or saw this movie for some unimpeded, the quantitative and qualitative estimates of the forces of the Mojahedin organization were wrong, while Rajavi had the opportunity to put his forces in part of the film as a false doll for several times, to cheat some foreign governments and even intelligence services, and finally it was found that the Mojahedin organization in Iraq had only 3500 to 4000 forces.
As you know, Masood Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, Mojahedin-Khalk cult leaders, every year this day, 30 Khordad of 1360, who have ordered armed struggle of their members and supporters against the system of the Islamic Republic, have passed and unless they try to keep the anti-Iranian media with money and in line with high scenarios, to work in favor of their situation.
It is possible that the cult Mojahedin according to the multi-year plan, even this year to present itself as tens of thousands of people. This year we have to expect this false figure. Of course, until now, cult Rajavi has given no explanation of how he can put at least 100,000 people in his own country.
But the question is, will there be a possibility for at least one Iranian to bring this cult to their tent? Or, as always, he will still use the lecturer in rallies? Is it possible to find only one opposing personality of the Islamic Republic to allow Mojahedin’s organization him to speak? Does anyone among the Iranian members at the National Council of Resistance? They do not even allow Mahdi Same to speak, that Mojahedin-e Khalk has financial dependence on him because they do not trust him.
Masood Rajavi’s new deception in the new year is the adoption of a “Trump sanctioning strategy and war against Iran” and because within the organization, this full dependence on American politicians faces a crisis aimed at Iranians. After several decades, Rajavi reminded of some Persian poets such as Firdows, Rostami, Sohrabi, or Siavashi, where by distributing images of Iranian people in the midst of his party’s tent of play on June 30, 2018 in Vilpent, Paris, to reduce the crisis of legitimacy? But is it possible? Is it possible to take off mercenary robbery from the body of Mojahedin-e Khalk?
Mercenary robes for Saddam Hussein, the Persian Gulf Arab sheikhs, American fighters and intelligence services of Israel and Saudi Arabia will not ease the tone of Rajavi because he has violent and terrorist thoughts both in mind and in the heart. Did he realize that by sending him from Iraq to Albania, the Iranian people will be forgotten?
Do Rajavi thinks that if is tied to the aristocrats of power, will not recognize the Iranian people? Finally, we must remember that the crisis of legitimacy on the one hand and the unfulfilled political and strategic decisions of the leadership of the organization Mojahedin in Albania have fueled dissatisfaction and gave a new direction to the developments within this organization. At the same time, the activities of the victims’ families and members divided of Mojahedin-e Khalk in Albania and other European countries have given hope to critics and dissidents.
Site Editing Staff of Survivors in Albania – The Free Iranian Association
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