Month: June 2018
Intentions of “hand-to-hand spying” in Maryam Rajavi’s night-play tent at Vilpent in Paris
Masood Rajavi’s new deception in the new year is the adoption of a “Trump sanctioning strategy and war against Iran” and because within the organization, this full dependence on American […]
Open Letter from the “Free Iran” Association to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Albania
But in spite of inhuman and illegal conditions, members of Mojahedin-e Khalq have created the conditions for being separated from the mental and physical occupation of this cult. Unfortunately, UNHCR […]
The MEK’s Man inside the White House
The MEK’s Man inside the White House (Bolton Giuliani and Mojahedin Khalq, Rajavi cult terrorists) Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, May 28 2018:… How did a fringe Iranian opposition group with a history […]
Iran’s Mohajedeen e Khalq: MEK Money Sure Can’t Buy Love But it can buy a lot of politicians
Iran’s Mohajedeen e Khalq: MEK Money Sure Can’t Buy Love But it can buy a lot of politicians Philip Giraldi, Unz Review, May 30 2018:… Iran’s radical pseudo-Marxist cult Mohajedeen e Khalq, better […]